Well i really have no idea whether i am doing this right but i think i have missed the my creative space for this week which usually runs on a thursday but decided i would write it anyway coz i would like to share my lovely creations with all of you. This week has been a pretty good week, i did some work with polymer clay this week experimenting with skinner blend and then rolling it up into logs and cutting it into slices, these can be used to create perhaps a necklace or a bracelet or even some earrings.

I also managed to finish off my horse longstitch this week which was very exciting now all it needs is a frame.

I Started making my first ever quilt this week so it is a work in progress and so far i have manage to stitch some squares together and sew 2 rows together, i am very proud of this achievement.

very productive! Those polymer thingys look good enough to eat!!!